Snail Mail Surprise ~The Kindness of Strangers

beanie babies 009

The Kindness of Strangers
When was the last time a stranger did something particularly kind, generous, or selfless for you? Tell us what happened!


People are often kind to me. It might be because I walk with a cane and a few years ago I lugged an oxygen tank around. People always tend to hold doors open for me and give up their seat for me to sit.
I also think when someone re-blogs one of my post it’s an act of kindness. So remembering one specific and unusually kindness took some thinking.


The last act of kindness that surprised me and I thought was truly an unselfish act happened last year around this time when I accepted a blog award. It was one of those awards that you answer questions about yourself. The question was, ‘do you collect anything?’  I shared that I no longer collect anything because some years back I lost everything. But I use to collect black angles and beanie babies. RoSy of Me, Myself and I asked for my snail address and sent me three limited edition bear beanie babies. I was and still  overwhelmed by the gesture.

I get gifts like underclothes, jackets, shoes or maybe a meal out in a restaurant.  I don’t get too many sentimental gifts like those beanie babies. So those sweet little bears are special to me and whenever I look at them I think of sweet RoSy and her unconditional kind nature.

20 thoughts on “Snail Mail Surprise ~The Kindness of Strangers

  1. Aww…This post made me smile BIG . See —> 😀
    And – my heart too is bursting with smiles.
    The second I saw the answer to your question – I heard those bears calling your name. 😉

  2. In the midst of all the violence in the world, there are some truly kind hearts. It was really sweet of Rosy to send you those cute little bears, Kim…thanks for sharing this post, which brought a smile. 🙂

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